4 High-Impact Cleaning Challenges

Oct 13, 2024

We love planning here at Focused Space, but we also love taking action.

If your house has been feeling a little cluttered lately, we’re here to energize you!

We’ll get right into it: It’s probably no surprise that studies have shown that clutter, especially in your field of vision, can affect your productivity.

In this week’s theme, brought to us by the wonderful Kamilah, we’re not just making a plan to tidy our spaces — we’re going to do it, together.

Each day this week, we’ll be challenging you to clean alongside us. If your space is already sparkling, you can use these tips next time you need a boost.

Together, we’ll make our spaces shine, bit by bit

Challenge #1: Tidy Your Desk

Here are four quick tips to tidy up your workspace today:

✨ Clear the Desk Surface: Remove any unnecessary items from your desk, such as empty cups, loose papers, and other clutter. Store or discard what you don’t need.

🔌 Organize Loose Cables: Gather and tie up loose cables using clips, ties, or even a simple binder clip to reduce the visual mess.

🖊️ Arrange Essential Items: Place frequently used items, like pens, notebooks, or a phone charger, in designated areas. This keeps everything within reach and looks more orderly.

🧽 Wipe Down the Surface: Quickly wipe down your desk with a microfiber cloth or disinfectant wipe to remove dust and crumbs, leaving the workspace looking cleaner instantly.

Challenge #2: Make Your Bed

For some of us, our bed is our most prominent piece of furniture. It is the most significant piece of furniture in our bedroom. A neatly made bed can instantly make a bedroom look more organized and put-together, even if the rest of the room isn’t perfectly clean. 

Making your bed first thing in the morning starts your day with a small but productive task. This simple action can set a positive tone and motivate you to accomplish more throughout the day. 

Returning to a well-made bed at the end of the day creates a sense of order and calm, making it easier to unwind and promoting a more restful sleep environment.

P.S. You don’t have to make your bed perfectly! Releasing yourself from expectations of perfection will make it more likely for the habit to stick. Making your bed can honestly just mean throwing the comforter back on straight, and propping up the pillows.

Three ways to encourage yourself to make your bed:

🛏️ ✔️ Incorporate It into Your Routine: Make it a habit by tying it to another part of your morning routine, like brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee. This way, it becomes second nature and less of a chore.

🛏️ ⏰ 🎶 Set a Timer or Play Music: Challenge yourself by setting a timer for a minute or two or playing a favorite song while making your bed. Making it a quick and enjoyable activity makes it feel less like a task.

🛏️🏆 Reward Yourself: Create a small reward system. For example, enjoy your morning coffee or a few minutes of relaxation only after you’ve made your bed. Associating the task with a reward can make it more motivating.

Challenge #3: Clean Your Fridge

We all have one of those areas that we dread cleaning... The idea of doing it feels so time-consuming and draining. 

For some of us, it is the dreaded refrigerator. Regular cleaning there helps remove spoiled or expired food that can harbor bacteria and mold, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and foodborne illnesses.

A clean refrigerator allows for better air circulation and cooling, helping the appliance work more efficiently and extending its lifespan. 

Cleaning prevents unpleasant odors caused by spills and spoiled food while maintaining a fresh environment that helps preserve the quality and flavor of your stored items.

Four ways to encourage yourself to clean your refrigerator and keep it clean:

🗓️  Set a Regular Cleaning Schedule: Designate a specific day each month to clean out your refrigerator. Setting a routine reminder on your calendar can help you stay consistent and prevent overwhelming build-up.

🫙 Organize with Clear Containers: Use clear storage bins or containers to group similar items. This makes it easier to see what’s inside, prevents spills, and motivates you to keep things organized since everything has its place.

✅ Incorporate a “Check Before Shopping” Habit: Make it a habit to quickly review the contents of your fridge before grocery shopping. This helps reduce food waste and encourages you to tidy up and discard any expired or unwanted items regularly.

🪣 Clean with the focused space community! Join a Community Session and we'll get it done, together 🫧

Challenge #4: All The Little Things

Small, regular cleans prevent dirt, dust, and clutter from accumulating — making deep cleaning sessions less daunting and more manageable. 

Routine small cleans can prevent wear and tear on surfaces, furniture, and appliances, helping them last longer and maintaining the overall quality of your home. 

Addressing small messes as they happen reduces the need for lengthy and intensive cleaning sessions, making upkeep quicker and less physically demanding.

P.S. You might also enjoy a theme we did a few months ago on neurodivergent cleaning hacks!

Three quick ways to clean around your home:

🎠 Declutter High-Traffic Areas: Focus on common areas like the living room and kitchen. Put away items out of place, like shoes, toys, or mail, to instantly create a tidier appearance.

🧹  Sweep or Vacuum Main Floors: Quickly run a broom, vacuum, or robotic vacuum over high-traffic floors to remove visible dirt and debris.

 🍃 Freshen Up with Air Spray or Open Windows: Use a room spray or open windows to let in fresh air and eliminate stale odors, creating a fresher atmosphere.

Lastly, Make It Fun

Here at focused space, we know that making our habits and routines fun makes it more likely we'll stick to them.

Here are three ways to have fun while cleaning up:

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Involve Family or Friends: Turn cleaning into a group activity by involving family members or friends. Assign tasks, playfully compete to see who finishes first, or share stories while cleaning to make the experience social and enjoyable.

🧤🎩 Dress Up or Wear Fun Cleaning Gear: Put on a funny apron, colorful gloves, or even your favorite outfit to get into the cleaning spirit. Dressing up adds a lighthearted touch and makes the task feel more entertaining.

👾 Turn It into a Game or Challenge: Set a timer and see how much you can clean within a set time limit, or challenge yourself to finish one room before a song ends. Turning cleaning into a game adds a playful element and keeps you motivated.

I hope this week's theme motivated you, and inspired you to take on a small cleaning challenge in your home.

Looking forward to seeing you in some Community Sessions and Wake-Up Calls soon — and can't wait to hear some of your best cleaning strategies for keeping your workspaces tidy and inspiring!

Kamilah, focused space host