5 Ways to Manage Overwhelm as a Parent

Jul 16, 2024

In this post, guest writer and burnout recovery coach Abby Calabrese shares tips for navigating caregiving and a career while achieving better work-life balance — from her own experience as a working mom.

"How do people DO THIS?"

My husband: "We ARE doing it."

I struggle with feeling so overwhelmed and overstimulated with mom life. I can't make a cup of coffee without being asked for five different things. 

My 5 year old is complaining about wanting to play a video game that isn't loading, the 3 year old is whining about wanting candy for breakfast, the dog is barking to go out… and the sun isn't even up yet.

I am surrounded by mess and chaos. Crumbs on the table, pillows all over the floor, kitchen counters cluttered with cups and kids' school papers and mail. In those moments, I feel like I'm somehow doing it wrong.

But here's the thing — feeling overwhelmed is perfectly normal.

Running a household, raising children, and maintaining a career is a monumental task — you should feel overwhelmed! Give yourself permission to feel all the big, complicated feelings that come with this journey.

The key is not to beat yourself up over feeling overwhelmed. Instead, acknowledge it, accept it, and then take practical steps to better manage it. 

As a working mom, and burnout recovery coach, I've compiled some of my most effective strategies for managing overwhelm — here they are!

Strategies for Managing Overwhelm

Schedule in Self-Care 

  • Build downtime into your schedule, even if it's just 20 minutes. Sitting with a cup of coffee while your kids play can make a world of difference for recharging. If your kids are old enough, explain to them the value of being able to take a break. Hopefully this is a lesson they can internalize for their own future.

  • Prioritize self-care like exercise, socializing with friends, or hobbies you enjoy. Taking care of yourself will give you more capacity for others.

  • If you’re rolling your eyes right now because it feels impossible to find time for self-care as a mom, I get it. Try exploring moments of micro-mindfulness. I promise, it will make a world of difference.

Find Support 

  • Ask for help! Rely on your family and friends or if possible, hire help for things like cleaning or childcare. You don't need to do it all yourself.

Remember that Messiness is Normal 

  • Don't sweat the small stuff. And a lot of it is small stuff. Not everything needs to be Instagram-worthy and perfectly curated. Messiness is OK — and actually quite normal.

Set Boundaries to Find Work-Life Balance 

Finding balance between work and personal life is a constant juggling act, not something that you achieve and hold on to. 

Striking the right balance can seem elusive, but with the power of boundaries, you can create a healthier work-life integration. By setting realistic boundaries, you can protect your well-being, relationships, and reclaim precious time for yourself

But what does it really mean to set boundaries?

Boundaries can look like clear limits on when work stops and personal time begins. It’s about making sure work doesn’t spill over into your personal life, so you have time to relax and enjoy other aspects of life.

Here are two strategies for communicating about boundaries so you can effectively advocate for flexibility if you need to step away occasionally for family matters:

Define Your Non-Negotiables

Setting boundaries begins with identifying your non-negotiables — aspects of your personal life that are sacred and deserve dedicated time and attention. 

Start by reflecting on what truly matters to you: quality time with family, self-care rituals, pursuing hobbies, or simply moments of solitude. Once you've identified these non-negotiables, communicate them clearly to yourself and those around you.

When it comes to work, define your limits. Determine the number of hours you're willing to commit each day, as well as your boundaries for working on weekends or taking on additional responsibilities. Communicate these limits to your colleagues and superiors, emphasizing your desire to maintain a healthy work-life balance (more on communicating your boundaries later in this post).

By knowing and asserting your non-negotiables, you create a solid foundation for establishing boundaries that support your well-being.

Leverage Technology Mindfully

In our digital age, technology can be both a blessing and a curse. To set effective boundaries, it's vital to develop a mindful relationship with technology

Start by establishing designated "tech-free" times or zones. For example, you might choose to switch off all work-related notifications after a certain hour, allowing yourself uninterrupted personal time.

Furthermore, be intentional about how you use technology during your work hours. Set realistic expectations for response times to emails and messages, ensuring that you're not constantly tethered to your devices. Communicate these expectations to your colleagues, letting them know that you prioritize being fully present during work hours to maximize productivity

By mindfully managing technology, you can reclaim precious moments for yourself and your loved ones.

Communicating your Work-Life Balance Needs 

One of the cornerstones of setting boundaries is effective communication

We sometimes fear asserting ourselves thinking it can come across as rude or pushy — but it's important to remember that advocating for our needs is essential for a healthy work-life balance.

Assertive communication allows us to express our boundaries with clarity and respect.

Tips for Communicating Assertively

  • Use "I" statements to emphasize your needs and preferences without blaming or accusing others. 

  • Clearly express your availability, preferred response times, and limits on after-work engagements. 

  • Frame your boundaries as a means to maintain your well-being and foster stronger relationships with your loved ones. 

  • Remember, assertive communication is not about being confrontational but about setting expectations and advocating for yourself.

Achieving a sustainable work-life balance is within your reach when you embrace the power of boundaries.

By defining your non-negotiables, leveraging technology mindfully, and communicating assertively, you can create a harmonious integration of work and personal life. 

Remember, healthy boundaries are not selfish but essential for your well-being and the well-being of those around you

Nurture balance, embrace self-care, and celebrate the joys of a life well lived.

You’ve got this!

Remember, feeling overwhelmed does NOT mean you're failing as a caregiver or employee. It means you're successfully juggling BIG responsibilities. 

Be kind to yourself as you navigate this season. And know you're not alone — the focused space community has many working caregivers who understand exactly how you feel.

We're here for you.

Abby Calabrese is a widely regarded speaker, expert consultant, and executive coach for high-achieving female professionals. Throughout her career, she has flourished in her roles from the finance industry to high-pressure startups, interfacing with Fortune 500 companies, and ultimately to real estate investing alongside a celebrity TV personality. From her insights and experience learned along the way, Abby has developed a proprietary model that helps guide women to recalibrate their lives and reclaim fulfillment. Learn more at www.abbycalabrese.com