Discovering Words for Beautiful Feelings

Sep 8, 2024

Times of transition — like the changing of the seasons — are a nice moment to spend some time exploring and reflecting.

This week, we’re exploring words from different cultures that capture profound and often indescribable emotions — feelings that are so nuanced they don't have a direct translation in English. 

These words give us new ways to articulate experiences we all have BUT may not have been able to name before. 

We hope they spark joy, and give you a different way to see the world this week!


Today, we're starting with a feeling that reminds us to look deeper and appreciate the hidden beauty and mystery in life: Yūgen.

Yūgen is a Japanese word that refers to a deep, mysterious sense of beauty in the universe. It’s that feeling you get when you witness something so vast and awe-inspiring that words fail to capture it — a sense of wonder mixed with a bit of melancholy

These moments of deep beauty and mystery are more common than we realize! It could be the sight of a sunrise or sunset, stargazing, witnessing the changing of the seasons or the quiet stillness of an early morning. 

When we allow ourselves to pause and notice these moments, we connect more deeply to the present and to the world around us. 

How can you create space in your day to experience Yūgen?

Consider taking a mindful walk in nature, listening to a piece of music that moves you, or simply being still and observing the world around you

4 ways to experience Yūgen:

✨  Stargazing on a clear night

🌊  Watching the ocean

🖼️  Contemplating art

📖  Reading Poetry


Meraki is a Greek word that means to do something with soul, creativity, or love. It’s about infusing a part of yourself into your work, your hobbies, or even your everyday tasks. It’s that extra bit of passion and heart you put into something that makes it uniquely yours.

When we do something with Meraki, we don’t just complete a task; we bring it to life. It could be as simple as writing a letter, decorating a space to make it feel inviting, or preparing a meal with care. Pretty much anything that brings you joy.

Think about where you can bring Meraki into your day, today. Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about intention and care

Where can you bring Meraki into your day?

🍝 Cooking a Meal: Preparing a special dish for loved ones with attention, creativity, and love, infusing the food with your personal touch.

👩‍🌾 Gardening: Planting flowers or vegetables, and taking pride in the care and effort you put into making it thrive.

✍️ Writing: Crafting a poem, story, etc. where you pour your thoughts, emotions, and creativity into every word.

🧶 Crafting: Making handmade gifts or decorations, putting care and creativity into each detail.


Today, we turn to a word that invites us to embrace comfort, contentment, and warmth in the simplest moments: Hygge.

Hygge is a Danish concept that emphasizes coziness, comfort, and the joy of simple pleasures. It’s about creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. Think of the feeling you get when you curl up with a soft blanket, sip on a warm cup of tea, or share a heartfelt conversation with a friend by candlelight.

Hygge is also about emotional warmth, connection, and a sense of belonging. How can we create pockets of Hygge in our daily lives? Maybe it’s setting aside time to enjoy a slow breakfast, lighting a candle while you work, or wrapping yourself in your favorite blanket for a few quiet moments of reflection.

Hygge teaches us to slow down and savor the small moments that bring us joy. In a world that often feels rushed and hectic, embracing Hygge can help us find balance, presence, and peace.

Ways to experience Hygge

📚 Reading by the Fireplace: Curling up with a good book by a warm fireplace feeling cozy and content.

🍵 Having a Warm Drink: Enjoying a hot cup of tea or cocoa while wrapped in a soft blanket during a rainy day.

💞 Board Game Night: Playing board games with family or friends, laughing and enjoying each other's company in a comfortable setting.

😌 Nature Walks: Taking a leisurely walk through a peaceful park or forest, appreciating the tranquility and beauty of nature.


Komorebi is a Japanese word that describes the sunlight filtering through the leaves of trees which creates a play of light and shadow that is both calming and mesmerizing. Komorebi isn’t just about what you see, it’s a gentle reminder to appreciate the delicate beauty of nature and the moments that make us pause and reflect.

Today, try to notice the play of light around you, whether it’s through the trees, a window, or even reflections on a surface.

Take a moment to breathe, to observe, and to let that light fill you with a sense of calm and gratitude.

How can embracing the idea of Komorebi help you slow down and reconnect with the present moment?

Ways to experience Komorebi

🍃 Forest Bathing: Walking and noticing the way sunlight filters through the leaves.

🚶‍➡️ Hiking: Pausing during a hike to admire the sunlight streaming through the trees.

🌄 Early Morning Light: Observing the first rays of sunlight during an early morning walk


Today, we turn our focus to a feeling that celebrates the joy found not within ourselves but in the happiness and success of others: Mudita.

Mudita is a Sanskrit word that refers to the genuine pleasure or joy one feels from the happiness and success of others. It’s a kind of heartwarming feeling that arises when we celebrate others’ good fortune as if it were our own. 

Unlike envy or jealousy, Mudita is about being truly happy for others, which, in turn, cultivates a sense of peace and happiness within us as well.

Practicing Mudita helps shift our mindset from comparison and competition to one of empathy and connection.

When we cultivate this joy for others, we create a ripple effect of positivity that can uplift our communities and deepen our relationships

Examples of Mudita

🥳 Feeling genuine joy and pride when a friend achieves a milestone, like a promotion or graduation.

🥳 Experiencing joy when a child accomplishes something new, like riding a bike for the first time.

🥳 Feeling excited by your partner's achievements and happiness, such as getting a new job or completing a project.

🥳 Celebrating a colleague’s success and feeling happiness for their accomplishment.

🥳 Participating in community events where everyone celebrates collective successes and joys, like festivals.

Thank you so much for going on this world tour of emotions with me this week!

We covered: Yūgen, Meraki, Hygge, Komorebi, and Mudita — which one resonated most with you?

I hope you enjoyed it, and look forward to seeing you in some of our sessions this week!

Suliel, focused space host