Finding Motivation in the Winter
Jan 12, 2025
This week, we’re exploring ways to stay motivated in the winter, when the elements can dampen and dull our energy.
If you take anything from today, let it be this: lower energy in the winter is a completely normal phenomenon! And it has a lot to do with the rhythms of the natural world.
First, reduced daylight changes our individual circadian rhythms. For humans, a “circadian rhythm” is the natural cycle our bodies go through during each 24-hour period.
When we have less daylight, melatonin and serotonin levels decrease, and these neurotransmitters control energy, mood, and sleep.
Not only that, but colder weather constricts our blood vessels, which can also cause fatigue.
Many of us also exercise less when it is colder, causing a feedback loop: less moving causes less motivation to move… and all of this can make it really hard to meet our goals.
The good news is that there are simple things we can do to increase energy and motivation in these colder, darker months — read on for our top 4 tips.
Do Something, Anything
In the winter, many of us just want to burrow into a cave with Netflix and snacks for a few months.
If you’re feeling this way, our first tip is: Do something. Anything.
Preferably, take a step toward your goal, but if that isn’t available: do something that gets you up, moving, and may not be fun in the moment, but will make you feel better later.
“Do the thing and you will have the power.”
We love this great quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson here at focused space — and it happens to be rooted in a technique called “Behavioral Activation” from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
Behavioral Activation helps people who feel low-energy or mood to actively do something constructive (like taking a shower), versus something immediately comfortable but ultimately not supportive (like staying in bed all morning).
Doing something constructive creates a positive feedback loop between motivation and energy.
Behavioral Activation Ideas:
🪥 Brush your teeth
🚿 Take a shower
🚶🏽♀️ Take a walk, or do one of the stretching or mobility exercises in our app!
🧫 Do the dishes
📲 Call a friend
💪🏽 Do the Thing!!!
Shake Things Up
One great way to find motivation in the grayer, often duller-feeling months is to create novelty — while working with the season.
With shorter days, waking up earlier and going to bed earlier can create special, winter routines. If you struggle to get into bed in the evening, try to make it something you really look forward to, maybe by playing special music, or by adjusting your lighting to be more relaxing.
If you’ve been on screens a lot… novelty could look like finding a new book to read and doing that instead. Or you might try to replicate a favorite dish you’ve eaten at a restaurant, start a puzzle with your family, or even pick up some crayons and doodle 🖍️
Building novelty and joy into your life can boost your mood and motivation throughout your life, not just in the Winter.
Try out something new this week, and let us know how it goes!
Seasonal, novel ideas:
😴 Go to bed early, and wake up a little earlier to stretch or exercise!
📖 Cozy up with a fun new book, instead of TV
🍲 Replicate a favorite restaurant dish
👯♀️ Meet up with friends for tea in a new cafe, a walk to see leftover christmas lights, or doing a “favorite book exchange”
Body TLC
To combat any mood dips caused by less light, we suggest getting outside during the day as much as possible (even for a few minutes!) or getting a light therapy box to mimic natural sunlight.
Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D, which is linked to energy and moods — a supplement may help, but be sure to consult your doctor about that.
Lastly, one of the best ways to care for your mind and body is by spending regular time with friends or our community on focused space.
Being around other people tends to provide a huge boost of oxytocin and joy!
How to care for your body (and soul) during the winter:
💡 Get a light box (some report even a ring light can help!)
🚶🏽♀️ Exercise
☀️ Get enough Vitamin D
👯♂️ Spend time with friends, and our community on focused space
Get Curious
We’re ending with one of the most enduring sources of motivation that there is: curiosity.
When we’re interested and curious about something, it’s like the thread that pulls itself.
This winter season, we have a few questions for you to try out to spark curiosity, open up the world of what you're working on, and pull you deeper into your own goals or intentions.
Try one of these questions next time your motivation is slipping:
💡 How could I make this more fun?
💡 How can I bring more of myself into this project?
💡 What can I learn from this?
💡 Who could I talk to about this for a better outcome?
💡 What is holding me back here, and how can I get help or remove this obstacle?
💡 What am I afraid of — and is it a good reason to not move forward?
We hope you’ve found something new to try in this list — finding motivation in the winter can be hard, but reversing your default pattern can also be a lot of fun.
If you could use some extra support this season, please join us at one of our live guided work sessions, or morning planning sessions!
Take care,
— Anna, focused space host