Alex Hey

ADHD Coach
What are your areas of interest?

-Getting unstuck
-Becoming the person you were meant to be

Best way for potential clients to contact you

Hello! I'm Alex Hey (pronounced "hi"), founder of Reset ADHD, and it is my mission to help those with ADHD hit the RESET button on their ADHD and start again with fresh, strengths-based strategies. I offer one-on-one coaching, as well as online courses, blogs, videos, and other online content. Reset ADHD is ready to help no matter where you are in your ADHD journey.

What do you love about working with your clients?

I love seeing transformation in my clients. When I see my clients come a long way in their ADHD journey over the course of working with me, it is inspiring. I love being able to support them as they take control of their lives and become the person they were meant to be.

How would you describe your unique style of working with clients?

I like to take managing ADHD seriously while also having fun. I offer the right balance between serious and silly. I can be laidback at times, but I am also available to throw down a challenge if necessary.

Is there a recent testimonial you'd like to share from a client?

"Working with Alex was completely life-changing for me. Before, I had felt so lost, scared, ashamed, and confused in all areas of my life. I was desperate to find out what I could do to "fix" it all -- to "fix" me. Before, I had heard about and tried tools that "should have" been helpful to me, but I was still struggling.

Alex met me at each coaching session with warmth and patience. He was a fantastically empathetic listener and, despite my nerves, put me so at ease. By helping me disprove the limiting, self-blaming messages I had internalized, he helped me understand and validate my struggles. He always encouraged that if one way didn't work, we'd try another way. He met me exactly where I was at, and to have that support when I didn't have it in my life otherwise? It's...literally making me tear up thinking about it. That was how deeply I needed it, and how big the tide was that he helped me change. My quality of life and sense of self-worth changed irrevocably for the better directly because of working with him. It remains one of the best things I've ever done for myself."


ADDCA Associate Certified Coach (AACC), ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA), 2020
Professional Certified ADHD Coach (PCAC), Professional Association for ADHD Coaches (PAAC), 2019
MS, University of Cincinnati
BA, University of Sioux Falls

Client Expertise

Teens and adults